June on Martha’s Vineyard

Usually June on MV is bustling with tourists…it is pretty quiet out there due to the COVID.  We actually are able to drive around with no traffic still which is amazing.  We can enjoy the beaches and outdoor dining before the crowds come…which we know they will come.

Good news!!  Two of our new modular homes received their certificates of occupancy this week!!!

The Hampson Avenue has their certificate of occupancy and now can stay in their brand new home!   The landscaping continues. Interior photos will be added on our website soon!

The Bramble Path home in West Tisbury received their certificate of occupancy as well and the owners are now allowed to move their items in and live there. Photos to come.

On Spruce Avenue, Oak Bluffs the flooring from Stonewood Products the Sawyer Mason line has been delivered.  The installation will begin ASAP.  The electricity is now on in the home.

In Vineyard Haven at our renovation project the painters are nearing the end.  The new bathroom has been tiled and waiting on fixtures.

At our West Chop water front modular the home continues on the exterior work, siding and decking.


Enjoy the nice weather and stay healthy!