Posts made in April 2013

Dennis, MA, a Triumph for SMC.

Squash Meadow Construction of Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard is extremely proud to present our first ever Cape Cod Modular Home located in Dennis, MA as complete. It was set on February 5th, 2013, and on April 10, we received a Certificate of Occupancy from the town of Dennis.

This officially marks the fastest turn around time to date for Squash Meadow. From set day to handing over the keys to the owner, Squash Meadow was able to build its first Cape Cod Modular Home in a record SHATTERING 2 months and 5 days. Beating the previous record of 3 months flat.

Not bad for our first experience on Cape Cod if we may say so ourselves.

But Squash Meadow Construction doesn’t stop there. Below you’ll see pics of our second setting of a Cape Cod Modular Home in Sandwich, MA.  Enjoy. -m